Happy….what day of Quarantine is it?! Whether you are an essential worker and still reporting to your job every day or working from home, we want to check in with our customers. How are you managing during this global pandemic? Have you finished all of your Netflix series shows? Are you starting to get annoyed with your co-workers because they never leave your house? Or have you found some light in all of this and have taken up a new hobby? Whatever it is, just know that the Insurance Industry is here for you. So much so that our company carriers have come up with a program to help insureds financially during this crisis.
We are sure you have seen the numerous commercials stating auto insurance companies are returning premiums (rebate) since auto accidents have been reduced due to the Covid-19 outbreak. Most individuals are home bound and traffic is light. The pattern being seen at this time is 15% of April premiums being refunded in May and 15% of May premiums being refunded in June. Most of our insurance carrier partners are participating, but this does need to be approved by the State of Michigan. If you have questions about this, please feel free to call us.
Speaking of reaching out to us, at Aitken & Ormond Insurance our office doors might be closed to the public but our phones and internet are open. Some of our staff is working at home but are more than able to continue to assist our customers. Are you following us on Facebook? Check out our daily posts and keep an eye out for our monthly customer giveaways for gift cards to local businesses in our area.
We know this is a trying time but soon we will see the light at the end of this tunnel. WE ARE HERE TO DO BUSINESS and here to help YOU!
Stay healthy and stay safe!